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   2023-05-17 网络整理佚名1920

60、70年代,基建工程兵二支队(建资02分队)为酒钢建设奉献了辛勤劳动、青春甚至宝贵的生命。 他们是钢铁建设队伍中的一张闪亮名片。 他们的事迹光辉万古,名垂青史。 但是,二支队从成立到解散,还存在新老战友不了解部队全貌的不足。 对此,钟离同志潜心研究,查阅了大量史料,整理出这份颇为珍贵的史料。 今天我可以把它呈现给你。 在此,我们衷心感谢钟立同志的辛勤付出! 同时,也期待更多的战友,通过自己的不懈努力和学习,为平台提供更多有价值、有趣的珍贵文献史料,供广大读者阅读。





铁营为营,流水为兵。 基建工程兵第二支队是基建工程兵首批5个支队之一。 从1966年建军到1983年解散,这18年间,人员更替,新老同志难免缺乏对军队大局的了解。 为了弥补这一不足,本文以支队驻地变化为时间轴,结合相关资料,简要总结如下:



1965年酒钢第二次启动时,冶金部第九冶金建设公司(简称九冶)成立。酒钢是毛主席和周总理十分关心的三线建设重点工程左右,中央调集了强大的建设力量。 九冶的主要组成:一是从辽宁鞍山调来参加酒钢战斗的鞍山钢铁冶金建设公司(该公司参加了大孤山和东安山矿,4号高炉、第三炼钢等重点项目的建设是一支具有丰富大型钢铁基地建设经验的施工队伍); 二是以白银调来的河北龙岩铁矿马万水(全国劳动模范)工程队、甘肃莱恩工程公司、中条山有色金属工程公司铜矿二队为基础的井,这两个队都是先进单位在该国修建水井和车道; 三是从北京调来,先后参与建设人民大会堂北京市第二建设公司、北京八角混凝土构件厂等北京市重点工程建设,参与建设的安装炉队首钢等; 四是酒泉卫星发射基地的800多名老兵。

1966年8月1日,中华人民共和国国防部下达整编令。 兰州军区从新疆生产建设兵团选派307名军政干部到九野开展整编工作。 同年九月,从四川征募九千六百名征兵。 10月15日,基本建设工程兵第二支队成立大会在嘉峪关举行。 兰州军区副司令员徐国祯代表中央军委向二支队及其所属旅赠送军旗。













1. 首席军事官








1970年3月,第14旅调往四川渡口,承接攀枝花钢铁公司配套工程; 15旅调往贵州遵义,承担87厂钢丝绳车间建设任务。 1971年4月,根据国务院、中央军委决定,第二支队第十四、十五旅调往本钢,归第一旅领导。 同年12月,三个支队成立,第十四、十五旅划归三个支队。









1966年至1970年“十一”前,二支队在酒钢完成了景铁山铁矿、西沟石灰石矿及配套的索道运输系统和铁路系统; 热电厂、焦化厂、选矿及烧结厂、冶炼厂及其配套的水源工程、储运工程、动力工程、维修设施、仓库工程等一切铁前工程项目。 1970年组织“第十一次攻铁”战斗。 9月30日,酒钢一号高炉产出第一炉铁水。

1970年,“十一出铁”结束了酒钢12年未能投产的历史,为酒钢后来的发展奠定了基础。 此后,承担了生产护航的配套收尾工程和包括市政工程、生活设施在内的全系统工程。

在酒钢施工期间,十一旅四中队班长孟志敬英勇救战友,立一等功。 十二旅九中队抢修高炉,受到兰州军区、甘肃省革委会嘉峪关地区司令部的嘉奖。 有99名战友葬身戈壁滩。




1973年,二支队奉命承担本钢1150初轧机的工程任务,同时保证酒钢终期工程的建设。 转让令于五月发出。 三个月内,兵力从西北陆续调集到东北,包括土木工程、金属结构制作安装、机械化土方工程、混凝土预制构件生产、运输、维修、加工等。 39个中队,约7500人; 180多台大型工程机械。

参战部队由第12、13、17、18营组成,分队组成本溪指挥所,统一指挥,确保在1973年10月寒冬前开工建设。建设投入兵力11000人。 人们。 1975年8月,该项目一次性热轧试车成功。 1977年6月,工程全部移交验收。 经鉴定,该工程符合设计要求,质量良好。 该项目的建成完善了本钢轧钢生产结构,对提高本钢产能、促进东北钢铁工业发展起到了重要作用。 .


本项目为国内最大的钼矿——金堆城钼矿二期工程配套建设项目。 钼矿是一种稀有金属,是国家急需的军事战略物资。 该项目的早日建成,对于加强战备建设具有重要意义。 1973年5月,根据冶金部命令,二支队先后调调十八旅、十一旅、后勤部运输队2000余人(施工高峰期近4000人) ,以及工程机械设备,到陕西华汇县金堆市马家一侧。


支队成立指挥所,组织指挥。 1973年10月开工,1977年4月主体工程竣工交付使用。 1981年6月,蓄水池正式投入使用。 施工质量达到设计要求。 这是一座混凝土重力坝,控制流域面积62.4平方公里,坝高55米,总库容1200万立方米。 它的建成保证了金堆城钼矿的生产和生活用水需求。


冀东地区铁矿储量丰富,国家计划在此建设超大型钢铁联合企业。 中央军委(73)第42号令和冶金部指示,1974年至1975年,二支队用两年时间逐步向冀东东部地区转移,承担冀东大钢建设任务。 二支队作为冀东大港建设的排头兵,提前来到这里做好各项准备工作。

为此,二支队根据所承工程规模的需要,于1973年11月开始选址。 最终,选址在河北迁安县沙河驿建设部队生产生活基地。 1974年1月,编制了基地初步规划设计方案,随后提交了交通总方案。 1974年7月,经冶金部批准,二支队抽调十二旅、十六旅、十八旅部分兵力,后勤部机修、运输、预制队4000余人,并启动基地建设。 随后,撤出本溪的十三旅也投入基地建设。


1. 首席军事官

第三支队队长陈骥,1973年8月调任基建工程兵第一支队原支队长,1978年5月辞职。1979年3月,冶金部与四川省委交涉,调任四川渡口市(今攀枝花市)人。 党委书记。



第二政委邱文1970年10月调任兰州军区工兵二工区政治部主任,1978年6月调任代理主任基建工程兵水文地质司令部政治部主任。 退休于基建工程兵水文地质司令部政治部。 处长(军部副职)。



1975年4、5月,二支队由甘肃嘉峪关转战河北迁安沙河驿根据地。 7月1日,支队办公室开始工作。

1976年初,国务院、中央军委发出命令,将二支队部分部队调往北京,承担首钢的建设任务。 同年5月,冶金部印发《二支队动员座谈会纪要》,要求二支队做好进京部队的思想教育和组织工作。 6月,北京市革委会下发《关于成立首钢建设领导小组的通知》,其中指出:“根据国务院精神和中央军委批准,第二支队部分人员划转基建工程兵团赴京承担首钢建设任务,鉴于首钢炼钢和建设多套轧机任务繁重,经与冶金工业部、华北合作区研究,确定成立首钢建设领导小组。 二支队队长陈济是领导小组成员之一。

1976年二季度,二支队派出先遣队到北京视察首钢工地。 在确定轧机总施工图选址的同时,编制了大型临时工程规划,编制了旧混凝土基础爆破方案,打通了生产生活物资供应渠道。 ,编制年度建设计划、材料预算等项目开工前的准备工作。

1976年7月,唐山发生大地震。 此后,首钢建设计划有所调整,二支队的建设任务也随之发生变化。 部队主要承担河北冀东矿山、唐山钢铁、唐山矿山、韩星矿山、首钢迁安矿山等冶金建设任务。






1979年10月,二支队十一旅被分配到基建工程兵52支队(隶属黄金部队),承担金矿建设任务。 此时,11旅11中队还在嘉峪关酒岗井铁山矿区执行任务,直到1982年10月才撤出。

1981年9月,经国务院、中央军委批准,基建工程兵第二、第八支队合并为第二支队,第八支队撤销。 二支队司令部由河北迁安迁至安徽马鞍山八支队原址。 基建工程兵二支队12团更名为基建工程兵二支队金属制品厂,仍为团级单位。




▲ 抢险救灾

1976年7月28日,唐山丰南发生强烈地震。 驻扎在沙河驿基地及周边地区的二支队34个中队、机关、直属单位7000余名官兵第一时间投入抢险救灾。 唐山市古冶区有西矿2座,工厂6座。 从倒塌房屋中救出5387名被困人员; 缴获现金140余万元,生产资料和生活资料1400余万元,粮食370万斤,牲畜294头; 掩埋遇难者遗体1079具。

支队医院和各大队卫生队抢救救治轻、重伤员4572人。 驻扎在支队医院附近的13旅官兵腾出帐篷收治伤员,全力参与抢救护理。 12旅、18旅官兵奋战三天三夜,抢修沙河驿至丰润、古冶至唐山、古冶至滦县三条公路,共计240公里,抢修滦河两座桥梁河、沙河确保生命畅通,救灾物资运往灾区。 参加抗震救灾的部队积极帮助群众盖简易房基建营,组织生活,重建家园,恢复和完善基层组织和社会管理。

1976年8月5日晚,冶金部部长陈少坤向二支队传达华国锋的批示,中央要求唐山钢铁在震后一个月内部分恢复生产,年内全面恢复生产。 第二支队立即成立了唐钢抢修一线指挥部,参战的12旅、17旅、18旅迅速集结精兵将领,争分夺秒展开专项战斗。 8月9日,唐钢抢修抢建保卫战打响。 官兵们冒着余震不断的危险,克服重重困难。 经过17个昼夜的奋战,制氧厂、变电所、一号变流器等6项单项维修完成。 项目,8月25日,首批“抗震志奇钢”下线。 随后,完成了中型轧钢厂和炼钢二厂抢修施工任务。 经过4个月的紧张施工,到1976年底,二支队全部完成了唐钢抢修施工的艰巨任务,唐钢生产全面达到震前水平。圆的方式。

在抗震救灾中,二支队官兵经受了严峻考验和锻炼,涌现出一批先进单位和先进个人。 中央军委授予第12旅第11中队“唐山抗震救灾先锋中队”荣誉称号。 18旅4中队排长甘义良,立一等功; 获得一等功的单位是:第12旅第11中队、第17旅第10中队二排、第18旅第4中队; 有6个单位、20名官兵获二等功; 49个单位、492名官兵获三等功。



1974年7月至1979年底,唐山大地震期间,二支队主要集中精力建设生产生活基地。 至1979年底,已建成各类设施168206平方米,其中生产性用地70721平方米,非生产性用地97485平方米(其中住宅68995平方米)。 在非生产性实施中,除行政办公设施外,新建了医院、中学、会所等公共设施,床位300张。

生产设施主要有建筑面积12180平方米,年加工能力1万吨的金属结构厂房; 建筑面积4580平方米,年生产能力6000立方米的混凝土预制厂一座; 管道加工能力1000吨,机电非标件123吨; 木材加工厂,建筑面积3660平方米,年木材生产能力12100立方米,细木加工能力5万平方米; 一座建筑面积560平方米的制氧厂,年产氧气86.4万立方米。 此外,还有大量的设备维修、实验室、仓库等设施。

唐山大地震后,国家重新调整冶金产业布局,宝钢落户上海。 冀东大港停工,二支队基地大量配套设施建设停工。 由于设计前对冀东东部地区历次地震资料的认真收集和研究,充分认识地震的危害性,设计时采取了一系列抗震设防措施。 因此,才有了地震时大楼“裂而不倒,无人死亡”的奇迹。


上海宝钢是从日本引进的具有世界先进水平的大型钢铁联合企业。 宝钢原料场占地120万多平方米,工程技术先进,设备复杂,施工难度大。 特别是在长江入海口处,属于粉质亚粘土软土层,需要大面积打砂桩来提高地基的承载力,这在我国建设史上尚属首例我们的国家。 1978年初,按照冶金部的指示,二支队副支长张多文率领工程技术人员参加了上海宝钢进口合同的对外谈判。 同年5月,国务院决定由第二支队承担该项目。



1978年9月,根据国务院、中央军委命令,第二支队第十二、十七、十八营和直属单位4500余人(高峰时5000余人)建设期)先后从河北、陕西、辽宁上海宝山集结。 1978年12月,谷牧副总理视察二支队参战部队并为宝钢开工剪彩。 二支队承建的宝钢原料场项目正式开工打桩。 二支队高度重视该项目,成立上海指挥所,严格按照合同要求,科学组织指挥,提出“合格不合格,优才合格”的质量管理目标。 工地分块,责任到人。 每一个环节都严格要求,精益求精。 12大队是一支专业的钢结构制作安装队伍,同时承担新的打桩任务。 他们组织力量,在接收到进口桩工设备后,加强培训,开展技术培训。 在参与宝钢振动砂桩试土项目中,他边做边学,摸索出一套行之有效的打桩工艺和合理的机组配置,为大规模振动砂桩打入奠定了基础。

1981年初,圆满完成原料场打砂桩任务。 共打砂桩11.5万根(桩长20米,桩径分别为500毫米和800毫米,上细下粗)。 通过率达98%以上。 多项标准渗透测试,100%符合质量要求。 打桩过程中,专业技术人员不断探索实践,对日方提供的砂桩管进行改造,排除施工障碍。 通过承载力试验计算,增加桩距,为国家节约投资1100万元。 在辅助原料场,日方设计钻砂桩。 二支队副总工程师唐景云经过仔细计算,提出取消砂桩,代之以土,解决地基加固问题。 经日方同意,800余元投资省了下来。 万元。

Through on-the-job training and technical training, the 12th Brigade has not only mastered the technology of driving sand piles, but also the technology of driving steel pipe piles and concrete piles, overcome technical difficulties such as driving inclined piles, and formed a complete set of construction standards. Steel pipe piles, PRC piles, and RC piles are used for foundation reinforcement, creating a precedent. In addition to Baosteel's raw material yard, it undertook sintering, coking, refractory materials and seamless steel pipes and other projects, as well as piling tasks for more than 10 kilometers of belt support foundations along the river embankment. Cultivated the only team capable of driving sand piles in the country at that time.

The 17th Brigade undertakes tasks such as all electromechanical equipment, structural installation, power pipe network installation, non-standard parts production, and electromechanical equipment debugging. All processes in Baosteel's raw material yard are controlled by computer, and communicate with the signals of sintering, blast furnace, power plant, lime, coke oven and other production systems. This is a great challenge for officers and soldiers participating in the war, and it is also an excellent opportunity for training and learning. According to the arrangement of Baosteel Construction Headquarters, the Second Detachment selected and dispatched some professional and technical cadres to Japan for training, and contacted relevant colleges and design and research units, and adopted the method of sending out and inviting in to strengthen the training of computer and other professional knowledge and foreign languages . The vast number of technical personnel and cadres at all levels feel the heavy responsibility and are eager to supplement knowledge. Officers and soldiers are often busy with installation at the construction site during the day, and study at night with lights on, almost to the point of ecstasy. On-site technical training, bringing the old with the new, learning new technologies, mastering new equipment, and continuously improving the technical level.

The Eighteenth Brigade undertook all the civil works, carried out the construction activities to create excellent projects, clarified the quality requirements and operating procedures, and strictly controlled the quality. In the task of watering the foundation of the belt corridor of the raw material factory, the No. 1 Squadron first drew the spacing on the cushion surface, and then tied the steel bars. The construction was meticulous and meticulous to ensure that the deviation of the stressed steel bars did not exceed 3 mm, so that more than 95% of the steel bars were tied once. 成功。

After overcoming difficulties and hard work by the officers and men of the Second Detachment, the raw material yard was completed on time in April 1982, ensuring Baosteel Power Plant to generate electricity on time. This is Baosteel's first completed project, and the quality of the project is excellent, which has been well received by Baosteel Construction Headquarters and foreign experts. The Baosteel project that undertakes the modernization proves once again that the second detachment is a metallurgical construction commando that is brave, tenacious and able to fight tough battles.


▲The piling site of Baosteel raw material yard of the second detachment

Tangshan Residential District Project

In 1978, the post-earthquake reconstruction of Tangshan was in full swing, and the construction army gathered. The Tangshan Construction Engineering Headquarters handed over the construction tasks of the newly planned 6 residential quarters to the second detachment. This is the first time that the Second Detachment has undertaken large-scale civil construction tasks. Tangshan New District has a high seismic design intensity, and adopts "inside pouring and external hanging" or "inside pouring and external masonry" structure, which is a brand-new construction technology. The Tangshan Engineering Headquarters of the Second Detachment organized technical personnel to carefully study the construction drawings, thoroughly understand the technical requirements, and formulate a feasible construction organization design and implementation plan based on the site conditions. At the same time, pre-war technical training is carried out through teaching teams, short-term training courses, professional technical courses, and organizing outings for visits and studies.


In June 1979, the 19th Brigade took the lead in breaking ground in the No. 70 community. The officers and soldiers participating in the war adopted the method of learning by doing, the old guide the new, and the teacher guides the apprentice, and quickly mastered the construction technology. In order to speed up the construction progress, learn from the construction experience of the second construction in Handan, scientifically formulate engineering plans and on-site operation layouts, strictly implement the process, and rationally allocate troops. The vast number of officers and soldiers forgot to eat and sleep, fought day and night, and worked continuously in two shifts day and night, achieving the goal of completing a working unit (floor) floor every three days. Adhere to the "100-year plan, quality first", carry out competition activities for creating excellent projects, manage carefully, construct carefully, and build every building with high quality.

In April 1982, at the summary and commendation meeting of the 1981 Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Chuangquan Excellence Engineering Competition held by five departments including the National Construction Committee, the second detachment and its 16th regiment, the 2nd battalion of the 16th regiment, the 4th company of the 16th regiment, The 5th company, 7th company, 15th company, and the 5th company of the 19th regiment were commended. The 16th regiment was rated as "the first-class infrastructure team" by the infrastructure engineering corps. After more than three years of hard work by more than 7,000 officers and soldiers of the 16th, 18th, and 19th regiments of the second detachment, the construction task of Tangshan residential quarters was successfully completed at the end of 1982. A total construction area of ​​320,000 square meters has been completed, 109 residential buildings and 40 public facilities have been completed. The project quality rate is 90%, and the pass rate is 100%.


▲Tangshan residential area

Shougang Dashihe, Shuichang Concentrator Expansion Project and Tangshan Iron and Steel Renovation Project

Dashihe Concentrator and Shuichang Concentrator are the main raw material bases of Shougang. In March 1975, the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Teams of the Second Detachment undertook the expansion task of the Dashihe Concentrator, and in May 1978, they also undertook the expansion task of the Shuichang Concentrator. Both projects were completed according to the schedule and quality requirements, ensuring that Shougang production needs. Carrying forward the spirit of earthquake relief, the 12th and 18th Brigades completed the transformation and reinforcement of Tangshan Iron and Steel's No. 1 steelmaking, No. 2 steelmaking, steel rolling workshop, foundry and other plant areas from 1978 to 1982, which were well received by Tangshan Iron and Steel.

Stationed in Ma'anshan, Anhui (September 1981 to April 1983

1. Chief military officer

Sui Changquan, the fourth detachment leader, was transferred from the 12th detachment leader of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps in December 1978, and retired in April 1983.

Zhao Xinle, the third political commissar, was transferred from the political commissar of the Eighth Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps in May 1978, and retired in April 1983.

Gao Xiande, the second political commissar, merged the second and eighth detachments of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps in September 1981. After the abolition of the eighth detachment, he was re-appointed as the political commissar of the eighth detachment. He retired in April 1983.

2. Troop adjustments and changes

In February 1982, the second detachment moved from the Shaheyi base in Qian'an County, Hebei Province to defend Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province. So far, the second detachment has seven regiment-level units under its jurisdiction, namely:

The 16th Regiment, stationed in Fengrun New District, Tangshan, Hebei, participated in the construction of Tangshan New District;

The Seventeenth Regiment, stationed in Baoshan County, Shanghai, participated in the construction of Baosteel;

The Eighteenth Regiment, the main force moved to Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, part of it was transferred to Shanghai to participate in the construction of Baosteel, and part of it was responsible for the finishing project of Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.;

The Nineteenth Regiment, stationed in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, participated in the construction of Tangshan New District;

The 73rd regiment, stationed in Maanshan City, Anhui Province, undertakes the technical transformation task of Masteel's infrastructure;

The 206th Regiment, stationed in Ningguo County, Anhui, undertook the task of building the Ningguo Cement Plant;

metal Products Factory (formerly the Twelfth Regiment), located in Qian'an County, Hebei.

After the revocation of the 74th regiment of the original eighth detachment, it was downsized into an installation battalion and was still stationed in Ma'anshan, Anhui to undertake the technical transformation project of Masteel's infrastructure.

The total strength of the whole detachment is 23,396 people.

In May 1982, the 206th Regiment was assigned to the 21st Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps.

In December 1982, the 16th and 19th regiments were successively transferred to Shenzhen, Guangdong to participate in the construction of special economic zones.


In January 1983, Wang Ju, head of the 73rd Regiment, Lian Fuxuan, deputy head of the Second Detachment, and Zhang Shuting, deputy director of the Political Department of the Second Detachment, transferred to the Shenzhen Temporary Command Post of the metallurgical Headquarters of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps. At the same time, some cadres of detachment agencies and hospital medical staff were transferred to Shenzhen.

3. Main works

The main projects during this period are: Baosteel Raw Material Yard Construction Project, Baosteel Other Related Plant Foundation Piling Project, Tangshan Residential Community Project, Tangsteel Renovation Project, Masteel Infrastructure Technical Renovation Project undertaken by the original Eighth Detachment, Bengbu Tank School Project and other projects.

Troop revocation

In April 1983, according to the relevant implementation plan for the revocation of the troops approved by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the troops were collectively reorganized and reorganized (the infrastructure engineering troops stationed in Shenzhen were reorganized in September 1983):

The organization of the Second Detachment was reorganized into Masteel Construction Company (referred to as Masteel);

The 73rd Regiment was reorganized as Ma Jian No. 1 Civil Engineering Company;

The 18th regiment stationed in Ma'anshan was reorganized into the second civil engineering company of Majian;

The installation battalion directly under it was reorganized as Ma Jian Electromechanical Installation Company;

The directly affiliated machinery battalion was reorganized into Majian Machinery Transportation Company;

The Second Detachment metal Products Factory (formerly the Twelfth Regiment) was reorganized into Shougang metal Structure Factory;

The 18th regiment stationed in Tangshan was reorganized into Tanggang Engineering Company;

The 17th Regiment and some personnel of the detachment in Baosteel were collectively transferred to Baosteel and assigned to relevant positions in Baosteel. Among them, 200 members of the piling team were handed over to 20th metallurgy.

The Sixteenth Regiment was reorganized as Shenzhen Second Construction Engineering Company;

The Nineteenth Regiment was reorganized into the Shenzhen Third Construction Engineering Company.

The reorganization of the troops transferred from the second detachment is as follows:

The Eleventh Regiment was reorganized into the Seventeenth Detachment of the Armed Police Gold in January 1985, and was revoked in January 1996.

The 13th Regiment and the 51st Regiment of the former Infrastructure Engineering Corps were reorganized into Beijing Fourth City Construction Engineering Company;

The Fourteenth Regiment was reorganized into Benxi Iron and Steel No. 2 Construction Engineering Company;

The 15th Regiment was reorganized as Benxi Iron and Steel No. 3 Construction Engineering Company.

So far, the Second Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps has completed its historical mission. It came from Jiayuguan. During the 18 years of hard work, it has always implemented the army building policy of "combining labor with military force, being able to work and fight, and focusing on work", inheriting and carrying forward the glorious tradition of the people's army, and absorbing the technical management of construction enterprises. Experience, in special times, has made an indelible contribution to the development of my country's iron and steel industry. It is especially able to endure hardship and fight, and is one of the main forces of the infrastructure engineering troops, and a new force and commando on the metallurgical construction front. Its name will always remain in the glorious development history of China's iron and steel industry, and its number will always be engraved in the glorious history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Salute, my old troops! Salute, heroic Iron Army!



Zhong Li‖ was born in Weiyuan, Sichuan Province. He joined the army in December 1970. He was a soldier and officer in the Logistics Department of the Second Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps, an officer in the Military Office of the metallurgical Ministry, and an officer in the Cadre Division of the Political Department of the metallurgical Headquarters. Director of the office, general manager of overseas companies, general manager of the African Department of China metallurgical Group. Now retired and living in Beijing.

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