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   2023-04-13 网络整理佚名1500

首次上线用户实名注册功能。 2020年,上海公交“云闪付”和“票码”上线时增加了用户实名登记功能,让支付更放心、使用更放心。 该商业模式解决了终端网络条件差、手机信号差、双离线、客流拥堵等问题。

首次支持商业银行APP开放,积极打造开放平台生态。 上海银联落实服务共享要求,打造行业开放输出平台。 各商业银行APP均可使用“银联”实现上海公交乘车码业务接入。

地方经济和地方金融和谐共生、共生共荣。 “联通闪付”公交码项目的成功实施,是便民工程推进普惠金融落地的具体举措。 移动支付加持下的公交 出行领域不仅为上海市民带来数字化出行体验,其“支付为民”的定位、“合作共赢”的理念、“联动”的共识造福于人民”。 让整个出行过程越来越快捷方便。 进博会期间开展公交乘车码“1折2元封顶”优惠活动,“申城观光”双层巴士全面接受联网通用标准二维码不仅提供支付在方便游客的同时,也大大提升了乘客的移动支付体验。

同时,“联合闪付”公交乘车码创新的支付方式也让城市公交运营系统更加高效快捷,帮助政府部门整合交通、路况等相关信息,实现信息化。交通管理条例。 通过移动支付的技术力量,推动长三角“智慧城市”建设,让“智慧交通”与公共交通产生便民“化学反应”,让人们拥有便捷、高效、安全的移动支付服务。




近年来,我国社会经济快速发展,机动车保有量快速增长。 据公安部统计招商银行一网通关联手机认证,2020年全国机动车保有量将达到3.72亿辆,其中汽车2.81亿辆; 机动车驾驶人4.56亿人,其中汽车驾驶人4.18亿人。 2020年,全国新登记机动车3328万辆,新驾驶人2231万人。 其中,苏州、上海、郑州汽车保有量超过400万辆。 如此庞大的机动车保有量背后,是日益增长的交通违法处理和缴费需求与网点处理缴费渠道单一的矛盾日益突出。

有经验的车主都知道,处理交通违章交罚款并不是“拿罚单到窗口交钱”那么简单,通常需要分“三步”完成:第一步是被告知被交警违规或主动查询自己的违法信息; 第二步是处理交通违法行为,即获取违法处罚次数; 第三步是缴纳罚款。 只有交完罚款,才能正式处理交通违法行为。 然而,在完成上述步骤后,还有一系列让司机头疼的问题,比如排长队、罚款难等。 体验感也差。 为什么不能“一步到位”成为亟待解决的问题。

为破解这一难题,人民银行上海总部会同上海市公安局,协同市交警总队、商业银行、银联和支付机构,积极践行以人民为中心的理念,并通过“三步走”方式,免除上海交通违章罚款。 线上线下全渠道缴费,弥补交通违法处理短板,缓解上海市民交通罚款缴费难,实现缴费“一步到位”。

第一步:加强组织领导,确保工作有序开展。 人民银行上海总部高度重视便民项目交通罚款支付场景建设。 了解上海市民需求后,第一时间联合上海市公安局、上海银联、工商银行、14家非银行支付机构,研究推广交通罚款支付渠道。 扩展工作。


经过项目组成员的多方调研和讨论,最终确定了罚款缴纳的基本原则:“资金不滞留、不跨行、绑定银行卡、手机扫码缴费”。 明确交通违章罚款线上线下同步拓宽缴费渠道的工作方向,细化项目工作推进步骤、时间节点和各阶段工作重点,压实参与主体责任,确保流量拓展。违规罚款缴纳渠道工作一以贯之,正稳步有序迈向第二阶段。

第二步:多方协调沟通,建立统一的工作框架。 各参与单位明确了目标、原则和工作方向,开始制定工作框架和具体方案。 “金卡生活”调查发现,人民银行上海总部与上海市公安局先后6次召开协调会议,商讨打通线上线下支付渠道、增设自助缴费机等具体方案. 上海银联、商业银行、支付机构等拉动对接需求招商银行一网通关联手机认证,形成统一均衡的工作框架。


在综合考虑各方技术条件和参与意愿后,制定了“线上线下一体化,交通违章罚款支付模式”。 线上支付通道由“银联闪付”App与非银行支付机构同步开通。 线下支付渠道,一是具有聚合功能的交警二维码支持银联“云闪付”等扫码支付方式; 通过卡跨行支付罚款。

第三步:完善技术支持,确保项目顺利上线。 具体方案确定后,最后一步是确保线上线下支付渠道尽快上线并投入使用。 为此,中国人民银行上海总部、上海市公安局协同中国银联总部、上海银联、工商银行上海市分行及部分支付机构,快速开发后台系统接口.

同时,立项以来的第二个专项工作组——以工商银行为开发主体的项目联合开发组成立。 项目各方放弃休息时间,利用双休日和小长假,研究解决各方在推进过程中遇到的困难,保证系统开发的不间断推进。 经过紧锣密鼓的研发,不仅在规定时间内克服了时间紧、任务重、环节多等困难,还完成了立项、系统开发、版本发布、资料备案、联调联调等一系列工作。对一些疑难问题进行充分沟通和解决,形成可行的实现路径,保证后续项目的顺利开展。



据统计,2018年6月底,交警PDA线下扫码支付、“上海交警”APP线上聚合支付相继上线。 完成各区16个违章受理点跨行自助缴费机布放,拓宽交通违章罚款缴费渠道。 既定目标达成,实现了司机缴纳交通罚款“只扫一次二维码,进一扇门,跑腿跑腿”的“小目标”。

2019年全年,上海市居民通过线下汇总扫码方式办理罚单373.79万元,金额3.52亿元; 通过“上海市交警”App,共缴纳网上罚款374.35万元,金额6.54亿元; 通过自助缴费机通过银行卡缴费、NFC缴费、手机快捷缴费等多种方式完成交通罚款缴费29.82万元,缴费金额5848.53万元。


“联闪通”凭借自身在支付领域的优势,助力交通违章罚款支付完成高效、便捷、自助的数字化转型。 通过技术实力,为移动支付在其他支付场景的应用提供了宝贵的经验。




据统计,2020年上海市共有三级医院41家,共有59个院区(含分院)。 截至2020年12月末,41家三甲医院(含分院)中已有21家与上海银联签约开通银联移动支付服务功能,包括胸科医院、长海医院、瑞金医院、长征医院、第九人民医院和第十人民医院等全国百强综合性三甲医院。

上述项目的实施,是上海银联近年来对产业基础的持续深耕。 在国家推进新基建的大背景下,通过创新的支付技术和银联创新的支付产品,助力上海医疗领域的智能化转型。


正是因为认识到了移动支付在就医便民场景中的重要性,以及该场景中金融基础服务的重要性,上海银联和业内人士都充分重视了《国家纲要》中明确提出的“医保推广”。 “十三五”规划。 信息化战略的政策红利将充分发挥“银联闪付”等创新支付产品在推动医疗服务从“信息化”向“智能化”转型升级中的作用,助力上海医疗场景创新融合金融支付,贯彻落实国务院“互联网+医疗”发展战略,移动支付便民工程初见成效。



关心就医便民 行动起来 便民措施落地


跨行业高频联动,实现资源价值。 在项目讨论阶段,中国人民银行上海总部积极召集上海市三级医院收单行讨论项目方案。 同时,上海银联主动联合各家商业银行,在上海共同举办医疗行业移动支付专题发布会。 通过对当前医疗支付环境和市民就医痛点的探讨和了解,整合各方资源,实现资源价值最大化,共同推动上海医疗移动支付项目落地。

深入理解行业痛点,为医疗场景便捷支付打下基础。 针对上海三甲医院日常人流量大、对账金额高、部分患者常有负面情绪,以及移动支付对技术要求高的现状改造医院系统、扫码设备和对账系统。 人民银行上海总部金融服务中心联合上海银联,积极协调各方,深入探讨解决方案,反复论证试验,确保医院系统稳定和设备改造,实现“一带一路”建设。为整个支付流程在移动支付医疗场景的便捷性验收奠定了坚实的基础。

持续交流论证,实施线上线下多种支付方案。 为了让用户享受到更加多元化的支付体验,上海银联与上海多家医院进行了多次沟通,建立了不同的解决方案,方便医疗场景下的支付业务洽谈和技术对接。 最后,明确了线上线下融合、全覆盖的方案。

一方面,在线下部分,对医院的挂号窗口和自助缴费机进行了改造,可通过“联合闪付”APP和各商业银行APP扫码缴费。 另一方面,线上部分,中国银联系统与三甲医院打通,用户可在“银联快付”App上实现在线预约、挂号、缴费等全流程在线就医。


2020年,在上海银联的推动下,仁济医院等4家医院将推出电子健康卡,瑞金医院、新华医院等5家三甲医院将在医院自助终端实现“银联卡”线下挂号和缴费。 ,其中,瑞金医院、九院北院等3家三甲医院实现线上服务全流程覆盖。 同时,“银联闪付”App还针对上海市民推出挂号支付“立减15元”优惠活动,月均交易量达2万余笔,有效满足了就医用户的便利和需求。上海医疗场景移动支付创新应用取得突破。


不仅是医疗场景的全流程验收,2020年7月,上海市政服务推进“一站式服务”工作,重点围绕“办好一件事”和“办好一件事”两个维度。 上海市卫健委会同市医保局、市发改委、市财政局、申康中心、市大数据中心制定《上海市医疗支付“一事”业务流程》再造工作计划”。 其中,通过“一网通办”统一支付平台功能的拓展和发展,在上海银联和各试点金融机构的支持下,首批122家医疗机构实现医保电子凭证卡外支付. 参保人员可通过“云闪付”等平台开通医保电子凭证,享受医保业务办理、医保账户查询、医保咨询、购药支付等多种在线医疗保障服务。

医保电子凭证由全国医保信息平台统一发布,是基于医保基础信息库为全体参保人员生成的医保身份识别电子媒介。 电子证书采用实名认证技术,采用加密算法形成电子标识,具有安全可靠、认证唯一等重要特征。 总之,医保电子凭证的诞生,相当于解决了支付闭环中最关键的技术难题,是支付在“智慧医疗”领域便捷应用的具体体现。


医保电子凭证卡外支付进一步提升用户就医体验,实现两“减”一“增”目标。 一是实现“减环节”,通过重塑医疗支付流程,整合业务环节,实现医疗支​​付零排队; 二是实现“减时”,通过线上线下支付环节的融合,减少患者排队等候时间,有望减少医生平均排队时间45分钟以上; 三是实现“增值服务”。 为满足部分用户在传统窗口缴费的习惯,医院仍保留部分收费窗口。 中国银联为该业务就诊自费部分提供合约自动扣款通道,并拟与商业银行合作拓展多项增值服务。



上海银联在上海积极推广“一物一物”医疗支付,看病毫无信用感。 “信用医疗”以保险机制为桥梁,将信用申请与医疗卫生服务体系建设有机结合起来。 建立健全“信用医疗”紧急医疗救助机制,有利于保障医疗机构在疫情等突发事件中先治后收费,完善异地医保实时结算系统.

依托上海金融中心和征信体系优势,依托中国银联、商业银行、非银行支付机构等支付渠道及其线上征信产品,上海市医保参保人可通过“银联闪付”App和其他申请激活版块的医保电子凭证,选择绑定本人名下的银联卡,签署“看病无信用支付”服务。 完成业务合同后,参保人到医疗机构就医时,只需通过“银联闪付”出示“医保电子凭证”即可。 医生完成诊疗服务后,医院信息系统将自动发起信用无感支付服务。 其中,医疗费用医保部分实时结算,自费部分通过合同绑定的银联卡账户支付。 在整个诊疗过程中,参保用户无需进行任何额外的支付动作,真正实现了就医过程的“无感”支付。


显然,“信用医疗”模式是“互联网+信用”的融合。 对于参保用户,一方面,移动支付、信用支付等创新技术减少现场排队缴费的麻烦,提高患者就医效率; . 对于医院来说,“信用求医”不仅可以提高服务效率,还可以有效避免逃费等现象; 就征信体系而言,“信用就医”结合信用评分机制,搭建了患者与医院之间的信任桥梁,对于改善医患关系也具有积极意义。 对于大数据采集,有利于推广有效的电子健康档案,通过医保支付引导统一、全面、动态的健康档案,这可能是健康区块链的切入点。

在推广“信用医疗”时,无论是医疗机构还是金融机构,用户的信用记录都尤为重要,因为是否诚实守信是“医疗信用”能否稳定、长久成功的关键有信用”。 但诚信从来不是单方面的信守承诺,而是双边乃至多边的互信。 因此,在用户、医疗机构、金融机构的“三角关系”中,应该有相应的政策规定,对三方进行监督和规范,让“诚信医疗”的参与者更加值得信赖,促进健康可持续发展。行业的发展。





打造校园移动支付场景是便民工程的重要内容之一。 上海银联围绕上海高校师生生活消费需求,面向上海高校推出“银联数字校园解决方案2.0”APP“银联数字校园解决方案2.0”。 大厅、门禁等身份认证服务,超市、食堂等优惠支付服务,在线选课、四六级成绩查询等综合教务服务,实现银联二维码受理。所有校园场景中的代码。

《金卡生活》了解到,围绕校园场景,小额、快速、高频、本地化、流动性等特点与刚性需求相匹配。 为落实便民工程建设,中国人民银行上海总部联合上海银联积极推动上海高校移动支付普及,积极营造全市校园移动支付良好氛围,提供方便、贴心、温馨的生活环境。 目前,上海市已有5所学校实现了“联合快付”线上缴费服务,13所学校实现了线下缴费。 其中,上海财经大学实现了银联通用二维码应用的“银联通”全场景受理。 截至2020年底,上海财经大学“银联通”电子校园卡占全校师生总数的42%。




随着银行卡、公交卡、校园卡等各类卡片的日常使用,校园师生面临着“卡多”的问题。 如何减轻携带卡片的负担,减少丢失卡片的烦恼,成为校园师生关注的问题,亟待解决。 问题。 为此,上海银联通过银联“智慧校园”解决方案,为高校师生带来全新的智能便捷校园卡使用体验,也成为移动支付走进校园、惠及民生的具体实践。

《金卡生活》了解到,在向上海高校推广移动支付过程中,由于涉及学校多个部门的业务,相关工作关系复杂,协调难度大。 为此,《金卡生活》以上海财经大学为例,看看中国人民银行上海总部和上海银联如何结合当前移动支付的发展趋势,找准重点,重点突破.

打破壁垒,谋求共赢,“联盟闪付”满足了高校数字化转型的“品味需求”。 上海银联积极与上海财经大学探讨项目方案,集思广益,组织高校移动支付专题会议,研究“银联闪付”二维码在移动支付中的应用。

上海银联准确把握上海财经大学加强内部管理、积极向移动端转型、迎合移动支付市场发展的需求,利用自身优势与上海财经大学、上海财经大学进行资源互补。经济学。 积分、整合“联闪”产品功能,形成良性循环,共同推动“联闪”电子校园卡的推出。

但在项目推进过程中,上海银联发现学校管理部门众多,业务关系复杂,商业模式和业务谈判难以达成一致。 为此,上海银联与学校进行了多轮沟通协商,工作组确定了合作伙伴(上海财经大学教育技术中心),最终达成合作意向。

一方面,通过与学校唯一管理电子校园卡系统的部门点对点系统连接,“银联”App用户可以绑定银联卡,在“银联”领取学校的电子校园卡。 ”数字校园版块,使用“联盟闪付”标准二维码进行校园扫码支付。

另一方面,通过与学校电子校园一卡通系统的对接,实现“云闪付”的离线对码功能,可用于校门门禁、机房门禁等非消费场景。通过银联系统进行资金结算。 上海财经大学不直接与银行开展身份对接业务合作。


上海银联持续推动上海财经大学加快校园多场景受理环境建设,拓展更多受理“银联闪付”二维码的使用场景,实现“先”与“先”相结合。上海高校的“n号”情景。 目标是创建一个校园智能生态系统,使教师、学生和员工受益。

The electronic campus card function was launched for the first time. "Gold Card Life" learned that Shanghai University of Finance and Economics has opened the electronic campus card function in "Union QuickPass". In the payment process, teachers and students only need to open the "Union QuickPass" app and bind the electronic campus card in the digital campus area. You can scan the code for payment, access control, computer room access, etc. At the same time, it effectively solves the problem that the money in the traditional recharge business has not been entered into the account, reduces the problem that students need to make up the card before they can use it due to the loss of the campus physical card, and reduces the cost of making up the card for students. Management not only provides guarantee, but also provides a solution for the realization of digital campus.

For the first time, the cooperative use of "Union QuickPass" in the system integration business in the scene of colleges and universities in Shanghai was realized. For the first time, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics incorporated UnionPay mobile payment products into the payment channel of the school's electronic campus system. Since the launch of the "Union QuickPass" App electronic campus card, driven by multiple rounds of marketing activities, the transaction volume has increased significantly. Within a short period of time after its launch, the users and transaction volume of "Union QuickPass" increased rapidly. In the school's electronic campus card system, the proportion of "Union QuickPass" users reached 51%, and the number of daily transactions was 12,000.

"N" scenarios create a campus smart ecosystem. As of press time, all 76 windows in the 5 campuses of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics have accepted the "Union QuickPass" App; On-campus merchants such as fruit shops, supermarkets, and self-service vending machines have also supported "Union QuickPass" scanning code payment. More than 20,000 teachers and students have enjoyed the convenience and benefits brought by the "Union QuickPass" App in their daily study and life.


"Golden Card Life" takes the cafeteria as an example of the scene where teachers and students come and go frequently on the university campus, and is also one of the places with the highest demand for mobile payment.


Food is the most important thing for the people, and campuses are no exception. Shanghai UnionPay jointly promoted the acceptance of "Union QuickPass" in the campus cafeteria of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and the corresponding payments were labeled as high-frequency and rigidly needed. "Golden Card Life" learned that Shanghai UnionPay has upgraded and transformed the smart code scanning terminal in the cafeteria, so that teachers and students can open the "Union QuickPass" app on their mobile phones and show the payment code, and they can quickly pay at the dining window, eliminating the need to wait in line for recharging cards , Find change and other cumbersome links, very convenient.

The campus scene is one of the ten scenes of the mobile payment convenience demonstration project. University teachers and students who are willing to accept new ideas, are good at innovation, and focus on experience are an important driving force for the development of mobile payment. In the next step, Shanghai UnionPay will continue to deepen the construction cooperation with various colleges and universities, cooperate with all parties in the industry to promote the integrated acceptance of the campus card, and extend the scenario application of UnionPay mobile payment in colleges and universities, such as identification, online recharge and payment, and life services. Teachers and students on campus provide convenient services in all scenarios.

And because of this, it is obviously not the deployment pattern of the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China and Shanghai UnionPay to stop here. Since the launch of the convenience project in 2018, under the leadership of the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, Shanghai UnionPay has given full play to the enthusiasm of all parties in the industry, pooled their efforts, actively coordinated with various acquiring banks and non-bank payment companies, and promoted the UnionPay campus comprehensive payment solution in Shanghai. Major colleges and universities in the city have landed. The UnionPay campus comprehensive payment solution not only provides teachers and students with convenient and high-quality payment services, but also helps colleges and universities improve their management and service levels.

Therefore, the life radius of students is extended from the campus "ivory tower" to the surrounding "big society". Through the new upgrade of the digital campus channel of the "Union QuickPass" App, the usage scenarios of teachers and students in the school cover campus life, campus recruitment, etc. On the one hand, it can provide teachers and students with thoughtful, convenient, and affordable payment services and value-added services. It can be said that the unified banking app "Cloud QuickPass" has contributed a lot.


[The fifth dish of the "Bangbang": Sui Shenma helps the precise prevention and control of the epidemic]


Precise prevention and control on "Union QuickPass"

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China has attached great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and earnestly implemented the "Notice on Further Strengthening Financial Support to Prevent and Control the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic" (Yinfa [2020] No. 29) issued by five departments including the People's Bank of China Relevant requirements, in order to help the joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, quickly identify citizens' epidemic prevention health identity information, and help restore social production and living order, actively organize relevant departments of the municipal government, China UnionPay head office, and Shanghai UnionPay to launch Shanghai through "UnionPay" "Suishen Code·Health" (hereinafter referred to as "Health Code"), Shanghai became the first city in the eastern coastal and Yangtze River Delta regions to launch a health code. It exceeded 4.13 million times, and the average daily visits exceeded 13,700 times.



After users apply for a health code through the "Union QuickPass" app, the digital attributes of the health code can be monitored in addition to simple online functions at traffic checkpoints, community quarters, science and technology parks, commercial buildings, supermarkets and restaurants. Function, the staff can use the "Union QuickPass" app to scan and read the status of citizens, and can also distinguish them by manual color viewing, which is convenient for the general public to work, live and travel. The launch of the "Union QuickPass" health code is an outstanding case of the convenience project helping the epidemic prevention and control. Actively participate in government services and respond to government needs in a timely manner. When the epidemic hits, although the government department as the main body of prevention and control has the power to command and deploy and formulate policies, it needs the support of professional institutions in terms of technical realization and implementation. The Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China attaches great importance to the "Union QuickPass" app health code project, and organized China UnionPay Headquarters and Shanghai UnionPay to set up a special working group to expedite research and research plans. Negotiations, overcoming difficulties such as differences in products and needs, and finally reached a cooperation intention on February 29, 2020, determined the "Union QuickPass" App access implementation plan, detailed work promotion steps and time nodes, and work priorities at each stage , to ensure that all tasks are carried out in a safe and orderly manner. Strengthen technical reserves and seize the launch time. The advancement of the convenience project cannot rely on only a vision and a slogan, but must also have strong enough technical strength. After the access plan was reached, China UnionPay quickly established a health code technology promotion team to clarify the division of labor and be responsible for project overall planning, technical joint debugging, and communication and coordination with relevant departments in Shanghai and industry partners. In order to seize the time, all the participating parties cooperated with the health cloud system developers and worked day and night to complete all the development, testing and verification within 72 hours, more than two weeks ahead of the original schedule. On the afternoon of March 5, 2020, the two functions of the health code and the health registration service for people entering Shanghai were successfully launched on the "Union QuickPass" App at the same time, and the "Union QuickPass" user joint login function was simultaneously realized. Build a convenient life toolbox and lay out key areas of life services. The new crown pneumonia epidemic is undoubtedly a "black swan" event for the normal operation of the entire society, but in a positive sense, it has also promoted the digitization of social affairs a big step forward. After the health code business was launched, the special working group continued to pay close attention to market changes, collected user opinions and suggestions, provided technical support for improvement and optimization, and continuously optimized user experience. In order to increase the promotion and use of the "UnionPay" health code, the working group compiled an operation guide in time for promotion and publicity. While employees of the UnionPay system in Shanghai actively experienced the use, a volunteer service team was formed through UnionPay, commercial banks and payment institutions. In various payment scenarios, especially public transportation, government services and other fields, the "Union QuickPass" health code and functions such as registration in Shanghai were promoted. In less than 20 days after it went online, the total number of visits to the "Union QuickPass" health code reached 134,000, not only It is a concrete manifestation of the convenience project to help precise epidemic prevention, and it is also a beneficial attempt by Shanghai UnionPay to integrate government services through mobile payment.

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